'Moon Mission 3-D' Book Launch, 3 D Presentation and Skype Conversation with Charlie Duke at The Science Museum South Kensington London

by Hannibal Reitano

Moon Mission 3-D - launch party
Brian May, lead guitarist of Queen and his London Stereoscopic Company hosted launch event for new book Mission Moon 3D, featuring stereoscopic images (two dimensional photographs manipulated to create an illusion of depth). Included a photo presentation led by May and talk from co-author David Eicher and a Skipe conversation with Apollo 16 Module Lunar Commander Charlie Duke at The Science Museum.  

The Science Museum

Laika the stray dog that was the first living thing from Earth in space

Dr Brian May and David Eicher chat on Skype with Astronaut Charlie Duke

Apollo 16 Module Lunar Commander Charlie Duke in 1972 he was the 10th and youngest person to walk in the Moon

The Book

Freeze Dried Space Food Ice Cream


Brian May and Hannibal Reitano