Jakie St Clair and Carl Michaelson 2019 Summer Party at Private Residence

by Hannibal Reitano

Jackie St Clair 2019 Annual Summer Hog Roast Party.
Jackie St Clair and Carl Michaelson hosted their annual summer Hog Roast at their residence, like every year a multitude of celebrities from the world of Film, Art, Music, and Socialites attended with a special performance of Tony Moore, Susan Black, and Lekiddo Lord of the Lobster,  a must on the social calendar.

Elizabeth Emanuel

Randa Khayyat

Annie Newman and Anna Mazzotta 

Sera Hersham

Nicky Haslam, Amanda Eliasch and Emma Emma

Lizzy Cundy

Naomi Harris and Jackie St Clair

Daniella Helayel's

John Gardiner and Kelly Hoppen

Sara Dallin, Karen Woodward, Jakie St Clair

Naomi Harris and Julien Mcdonal

Kasia Komorowicz, Adil Ray and Elina Tsokri

Sherene Lawrence

Tony Moore 

Susan Black 

Lekiddo Lord of the Lobster

Carl Michaelson and Jackie St Clair

Hannibal Reitano and Naomi Harris