H.M Queen Elizabeth II Birthday Celebration at The British Ambassador Residence in Argentina

by Hannibal Reitano

Her Excellency British Ambassador to Argentina Kirsty Hayes was the host of the traditional celebration, which took place in honour of Her Majesty's Queen Elizabeth II Birthday.

More than 800 hundred guests were invited to the residence garden for a memorable evening.

The British Ambassador Residence

Fish and Chips

Scottish Pipers

H.E Ambassador Kirsty Hayes speech

Felicitas Polanco

Silvina Chediek

Victoria Bisogno

Cutting the Cake

Cup Cakes with H.M Queen Elizabeth II photo


Range Rover

The Iconic Mini

Alejandra Winkhaus and Hannibal Reitano photo Courtesy Infobae Soledad Blardone

H.E Ambassador Kirsty Hayes and Mr Peter Hayes

Hannibal Reitano and H.E Ambassador Kirsty Hayes