Michael Gregorjev Murn "Echoes" Opening Ceremony at The Miart Gallery Mayfair.

by Hannibal Reitano

Michael Gregorjev Murn's inaugural solo UK retrospective was exhibited at the award-winning Gallery of Contemporary and Modern Art.

The exhibition showcased a curated selection of 35 artworks, prowess in abstract paintings and digital graphics. The exhibition provided an immersive insight into MGM’s creative evolution and thematic diversity. 

Miart Gallery Mayfair

Michael Gregorjev Murn

Mayumi Miyago and Yasmin Patel

Irem Deniz

Vethan Sautour

The Opening Ceremony

Anna Mazzota

Tatum and Rocky Mazzilli

Jeetendr Sedhev and Yasmin Patel

Basia Briggs

Adam Kelbie, Tatum Mazzilli and Stuart Watts

Photos by Hannibal Reitano

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