Alexander Newley 'Divining the Human' Book Launch Party at The Polish Hearth Club

by Hannibal Reitano

Alexander Newley - book launch party

Alexander Newley American artist and Joan Collins's son who has painted portraits of celebrities including Dame Judi Dench and Lily James, celebrated the publication of his book Divining the Human, an 'account of an artist's journey in his own words'.

The Polish Hearth Club

Percy Gibson

Alexander Newley and Dame Joan Collins

Alexander Newly speech

Vimla Lavani

Giorgio Veroni and Tamara Beckwith

Hannibal Reitano and Alexander Newley

Dame Joan Collins and Sir Derek Jacobi 

Hannibal Reitano and Derek Jacobi

Basia Briggs, Lee Sharrock and Alan Chapman

John Stephen

Hannibal Reitano and Dame Joan Collins

Photos by Hannibal Reitano
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